About MSY
Founded in 2015, we are a mobile training and learning lab. We’re building a family of dedicated instructors & practitioners who bring the power of trauma informed, healing centered yoga and mindfulness into their lives, homes, and communities. Graduates from Mindful School of Yoga™ impact, empower, and unify people through the transformative practices of yoga and mindfulness. Our founders and graduates offer yoga teacher training, workshops, yoga classes, & mindfulness instruction in West Michigan and beyond.
Our Why
After working in the wellness industry for nearly a decade, our founders began to see the disconnect between the message of yoga (unity, empowerment for all, and community building) and the way in which yoga was actually being represented; as a predominately white, wealthy, thin-bodied, fitness hobby. MSY was founded in order to bring yoga access, honoring of lineage, and trauma informed awareness and instruction to a much larger community. Rooted in our commitment to personal empowerment, trauma sensitivity, and the Five Mindfulness Trainings of Thich Nhat Hanh, We are dedicated to ensuring yoga and mindfulness are accessible, inclusive, and healing centered. Through authentic relationship building, continued learning, and community engagement - we are in this faithful practice together.
If you’re looking for ways to grow and learn too, click on the links below to expand your thinking on wellness, yoga culture, and to simply better inform your actions in the world.